Hello, I’m Mina Kim.

I approach design with benevolence and empathy, grounded in understanding human emotions and behaviors.

I strive to highlight often-overlooked details that can significantly enhance people's lives, believing that true innovation lies in recognizing and appreciating subtleties.

Core Responsibilites
Tools Used
2 Weeks
Web Design
User Experience Design
User Test

Project Overview

What is this for

Case study designed to evoke user frustration in digital web-based interactions

My experience in User Experience (UX) design research has focused more on achieving outcomes such as 'seamless,' 'satisfying,' 'engaging,' 'easy,' and 'happy,' rather than dealing with 'bad' or 'frustrating' experiences.

By shifting the focus towards understanding negative experiences, this could lead to another breakthrough study on what causes user annoyance and anger. These findings could then be applied as 'must-avoids' when designing for a positive user experience.
How & Process

The prototype was created using 'Processing,' a computer programming language.

User tests were conducted with the RISD MID cohort, a group that has an understanding of web interaction.

Tantalus Paradox

The Tantalus paradox symbolizes perpetual frustration, drawn from the Greek myth of Tantalus, who was forever denied food(Grape) and drink(Water) just out of reach.

It captures the essence of unattainability, where desired goals seem eternally elusive despite continuous efforts to attain them, creating a sense of perpetual dissatisfaction.

Interaction Design & Color


If the mouse moves downward from a certain point, the color of the circle turns blue, symbolizing 'water' in the Tantalus Paradox of Greek mythology.


If the mouse moves upward from the same point, the color of the circle changes to purple, representing 'grapes' in the Tantalus Paradox narrative.
However, any how user attempt, it is impossible to click the desired button, but still shows ‘possiblilty’ but it is programmed not work.

User Testing


Seven Participatns, who have basic understanding of Web Interaction.

I asked them to click the arrow on the top left side of the interface, and allow them to as much as they want to do. If they want to stop, they need to say ‘I give up’. Until then, they could do as much and as long they want. 


7/7 said ‘I give up’
7/7 felt frustration

Is mouse broken?

I think it is designed for not human being.
That’s the reason why I couldn’t click it.
Am I too dumb to click it?
How could you design this anti-human thing?
I know it’s not anti all human but but anti me.

Is the goal to frustrate me?
This is mean.

This is wild.

Hahahaha oh my..

I don’t wanna give up,but I should.
I probably should.
Maybe I should give up. I give up.

What? Hahaha....


This interaction is designed with ‘Processing’ Program.

boolean overButton = false;
void setup() {  size(1920, 1080);}

void mousePressed() {
  if (overButton) { link("http://www.minakim.art");  } }

void draw() {

  if (overButton == false) {
    fill(255);   } else { noFill(); }

  rect(105, 60, 75, 75);
  line(135, 105, 155, 85);
  line(140, 85, 155, 85);
  line(155, 85, 155, 100);

  float c = map(mouseX, 0, width, -1000, 1750);  

  float d = map(mouseX, 0, width, -2340, 3000);
  fill(197, c, 300);
  ellipse(width/2, height/2, d, d); 

void checkButtons() {
  if (mouseX > 105 && mouseX < 180 && mouseY > 60 && mouseY <135) {
    overButton = true;} else {overButton = false; }

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